KAUST Garden Society


You are kindly invited to the KAUST Garden Society meeting on Tuesday November 21, 7:00 – 8:30, in the community Hub on Discovery Square. We are happy to have two speakers for this evening:

  • Christopher Clarke will introduce us to his book on the ‘Wild Flora of KAUST, Saudi Arabia’ that just came off the press. It is a very well-illustrated and insightful collection of more than 90 wild plants that can be found on campus outside the landscaped areas.

Copies of the book will be for sale at the meeting.

  • Lama Peyroles will speak about ‘Fragrant plants of Arabia’ that can be grown in your garden or patio at KAUST, how to take care of them and where they might be purchased.

The evening is open to all, and we are looking forward to seeing you.

The committee
Frans, Selena, Christopher, Lama and Arnab