KAUST Catalysis Center Symposium 2016


KAUST Catalysis Center (KCC) Symposium
February 1-3, 2016

“Catalysis for Artificial Photosynthesis”

The future needs of the planet in terms of energy and the environment place catalysis at the forefront of many scientific domains. The opportunities for artificial photosynthesis and relevant reactions in this aspect are tremendous to address the future energy crisis. Solar energy conversion faces academic and industrial challenges at the fundamental and applied levels. There is a need for a very deep scientific approach in the multidisciplinary fields of catalysis, material science and solid state physics. The needs are a better understanding of complex reaction process and structure, energetics and lifetimes of the materials of interest.

February 1-3, 2016
8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. daily
Level 3, Conference Center (bldg. 19)

All members of the KAUST research community, the academic community and external industry partners and Saudi universities are invited to attend this event.

For more information, visit: http://www.kaust.edu.sa/events/kcc-2016/ or email kcc2016@kaust.edu.sa.