Free anti-virus software for staff and student home use


KAUST IT announces the availability of McAfee All Access anti-virus software for use on your home computers/devices for free. You can download this software and use it on all computers/devices at home. If you are an existing user and your subscription has expired, you can download a new license from the same site.

McAfee software is available for Windows, Mac, iOS, Android, and Blackberry operating systems. We encourage you to install it on all computers/devices.

All help or support on this product, for your home personal computers/devices, will be provided directly by McAfee. Please do not contact the KAUST IT Help Desk for personal computers/devices technical or operational support.

In the near future, if your personal home computers/devices do not have an up-to-date anti-virus software installed, you may not be able to connect to the Internet.

To get the software:
1) Visit our software download page
2) Complete the form and obtain the license key
3) Follow the installation instructions in the email sent to you
4) Install the software and activate the license.