Join us for a lecture by Ralph Chami on creating a nature-positive economy


Tuesday, November 1
1:30 – 3:00 p.m. (includes lecture and audience Q&A)
Building 19, Hall 1
Zoom link

Light refreshments will be served after the session 

The KAUST community is invited to hear from Dr. Ralph Chami, Assistant Director at the IMF and Co-founder of Blue Green World and Rebalance Earth.

Chami’s lecture, “Towards an Equitable and Nature-Positive Economy” will discuss how we can build an economy around a regenerative nature that is by design both nature and equity-positive. Informed by science, Chami will look at how we can market-value the ecosystem services of nature and establish legal frameworks to convert the new class of natural assets to financial capital. He will describe the challenges that need to be overcome and the principles that need to be adhered to in developing markets around ecosystem services. Chami argues such an economy will deliver a win for all: nature, climate, and sellers and buyers of ecosystem services. This new economic paradigm will deliver shared, nature-positive and sustainable prosperity.

About Dr. Ralph Chami

Dr. Ralph Chami is an Assistant Director at the IMF. He is currently on sabbatical from the IMF, working on tackling the two risks to humanity – climate change and biodiversity loss. He has developed a model for valuing natural capital, including blue and green nature, flora and fauna, and a framework for developing natural capital markets for ecosystem services. An expert on fragile and low- and middle-income states, Dr. Chami is co-founder of Blue Green World and Rebalance Earth and serves on the advisory boards of the Geneva MacroLabs, Euro-Mediterranean Economists Association, the EU-Mediterranean and African Network for Economic Studies, and Bright Tide, and is Senior Finance Advisor at Nature Finance and a Task Force member on Nature Markets.

We look forward to seeing you there.