Personal Travel Out of Kingdom


With the ever-changing COVID-19 situation both within the Kingdom and globally, we advise caution when considering personal travel, particularly during the upcoming KAUST school (TKS) spring break from March 14, 2021 to March 18, 2021.

Anyone who decides to travel internationally for personal reasons should ensure they remain proactively informed about potential travel disruptions, avoid high-risk regions and keep their line managers up to date should their travel be affected so that extended leave arrangements can be recorded through the Portal. Individuals assume full risk and responsibility for personal travel.

Please ensure to follow the Travel Guidelines and Requirements due to COVID-19 for Selected Countries. All returnees to the Kingdom and KAUST will be required to adhere to the quarantine and testing requirements in place at the time of their arrival.

For questions regarding registering your leave in the portal, please contact

Human Resources
Excellence through people