Ten Ways to Survive Life in a Quarantine—Virtual Play


Don’t forget to tune on Sunday, March 7 at 7:00 p.m. to watch our newest virtual theater performance on the TKS YouTube channel and KAUST TV.

This year, putting on theatrical productions has been harder than ever. COVID-19 has prevented us from staging a performance as we usually would, and so, we decided to try something new and put on a play over Zoom!

Tune-in today, March 7!

Ten Ways To Survive Life In A Quarantine is a play put on by students and teachers who designed sets, costumes and have scenes played from home. This show illustrates some of the struggles of the pandemic. It features some of the most common (and hilarious) ways that people managed to keep themselves occupied during quarantine, as well as a few that are slightly more unique.

The actors and student directors put a lot of work into this production, so please, tune in on Sunday, March 7 at 7:00 p.m. for the premiere on the TKS Sharks Media YouTube channel and KAUST TV!

Can’t attend on March 7?

There will be a second showing on Monday, March 8, at the same time.
Additionally, a link to the performance will be available for private viewing from Tuesday, March 9 until March 11.

Enjoy watching.

This text was written by Isabella Palescandolo (Grade 8).