Dark side of electronic devices industry—Documentary


Friday, May 29, 2020
5:00 p.m.

Join in Zoom (Meeting ID: 911 4254 3177 / Password: 860116) 

How is the revolution in communication linked to child labour? 
And each release of a new smartphone – to cancer or disease? 
And “planned obsolescence” – to a shortage of fresh water? Let’s discuss the problems with the hi-tech – the symbol of our age.

Students for Sustainability invites you to a virtual documentary screening 
about the semiconductor industry and its negative impact on society and planet. The screening will be followed by a discussion moderated by Prof. Boon S. Ooi, Professor and Program Chair of Electrical Engineering).

“Death by Design” (USA, 2016, 73 min) 
Watch the trailer and a short summary.