Professor Slim Alouini Recognized for Dedicated Deanship


President Choon Fong Shih, following on the heels of Monday’s President’s Faculty Forum, paid warm tribute at the 2012 Faculty Dinner to Professor Mohamed-Slim Alouini for his enormous contributions as Acting Associate Dean of the Physical Sciences and Engineering Division. Said President Shih, “Slim has done a truly outstanding job. . . with good humor and steely determination [he] has been a strong advocate, in his own quiet way, for faculty concerns.” Despite the heavy administrative load of serving as Dean, President Shih cited Slim’s “prolific output – 84 conference papers and 31 articles.” Prof. Alouini himself thanked his students and team for their work in supporting his research load during this time.

Joking, President Shih noted that Slim’s phone number was on everyone’s speed-dial so he could be pulled from his lab in the inevitable event he was running late to a meeting. Given his output and his record of service, President Shih encouraged Slim to maintain a record of being “fashionably late.”

The Lens joins leadership in saluting Slim, in particular for being especially diligent in keeping us informed of his colleagues’ achievements so they can be properly disseminated.
Warm congratulations to you, Professor.