HSE Road Safety update: Keep a Safe Distance


Safe drivers pay attention to the road when they are driving or riding their vehicle, and in doing so, they avoid accidents and injury to themselves and other road users. Safe drivers also look out for other road users, especially vulnerable ones, including pedestrians, bicyclists, and e-scooter riders. Safe drivers stay alert while driving and are ready to take action at any time to avoid collisions and accidents.


  • Tailgating is an unsafe act that involves following another vehicle too closely and is prohibited in KAUST.
  • A safe driver maintains a safe following distance of at least two seconds behind the vehicle ahead.
  • Tailgating is dangerous because it increases the chance of a collision should the other driver brake suddenly.
  • Do not follow an emergency vehicle too closely. Maintain a distance of at least 15 meters (49 feet) behind emergency vehicles or more if needed.

Drivers – give cyclists and other vulnerable road users space

  • Drivers of vehicles traveling behind alternative modes of transport must give them plenty of room and be prepared to stop quickly.
  • When passing another road user, drivers should keep a safe distance between the vehicle and the other road user, including e-scooters and bicyclists. A minimum distance of 1.5 meters (5 feet) is recommended.
  • Apply extra caution during inclement weather and increase the distance between yourself and other road users. 

Please share KAUST roads responsibly, and thank you for Keeping KAUST Safe.

For questions or comments, please contact hse@kaust.edu.sa.