The Office of the Arts presents Science & The Great Library of Alexandria by Professor Mariusz Jaremko in collaboration with the Islamic Arts Biennale


Sunday, April 9
10:00 p.m.
Islamic Arts Biennale
Western Hajj Terminal, King Abdulaziz International Airport
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What was the original idea for the founding of the Great Library of Alexandria, that institution that made the city of Alexandria a center for learning in the region? Join us on this exciting seminar with Professor Mariusz Jaremko at the Islamic Arts Biennale to learn about the features of the Hellenistic Period that led to the establishment of this purely scientific institution.

The complex structure of the Library and its often-dramatic history will be discussed, as well as how much modern science owes to the scholars who worked there for centuries until its final destruction. This will be the story of the creation of knowledge, its partial loss, and its recreation from the ashes.

About Mariusz Jaremko

A professor of Bioscience, Mariusz Jaremko’s main field of expertise is the biomolecular NMR spectroscopy with a primary focus on the structural and biophysical description of biologically relevant biomolecules and their complexes. Mariusz’s interests beyond his professional work cover the comparative studies of human civilizations, economic and military history. He tries to find a common platform for the more profound understanding between people working in science and humanities. Only the entire picture is true, not any of its fragment separately.

About the Islamic Arts Biennale

Curated by a world class team of experts across the fields of architecture, archaeology and anthropology, the Islamic Arts Biennale is a first-of-its kind exhibition that conveys a holistic perspective of the Islamic arts as a living tradition that connects past, present, and future.

About the Office of the Arts

Under the umbrella of The Office of the Provost, the Office of the Arts consists of a visual and performing arts team with a mission to promote art, science and culture in KAUST, the Kingdom, and in the wider global context.

For further information, contact and follow @KAUST_Arts on social media.