InfoSec monthly awareness- Zoom update phishing email


Email is an integral part of our everyday communication, for personal and for business use. It is also the most common vector that cybercriminals use to attempt seizing sensitive data.

At KAUST, we run simulated phishing emails throughout the year for educational purposes, to raise awareness of cyber security threats, and to reduce the susceptibility of cyberattacks originating via email.

On May 9, our team sent a simulated phishing email about a fake Zoom update sent from a random email address. The main bait in the email was a malicious link in the body of the email, redirecting users to a fake website, attempting to gain trust and compel recipients to submit their credentials.

To review indicators of the Phish and to see if you are one of the top 3 fastest reporters.

To attend our upcoming awareness session and learn tips to be safe online.

Always remember! Reporting our phishing simulations and reporting actual phishing emails by using the PhishMe button or by forwarding emails to will help keep KAUST safe from cybercriminals and decrease your human firewall risk score and wins you prizes.

Thank you for being a Human Firewall!

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