Community Clean-Up is a success!


On Saturday, March 7, residents of the KAUST community gathered for the “community cleanup” event. 

More than 100 people – adults and children – helped clean up the waste that accumulates just outside of KAUST Gate 3.

The main objective of the Community Clean-up campaign was to educate and make our community members aware of the importance of keeping our community and environment clean and litter-free. The event also allowed for all to participate and engage each other on matters relating to keeping our environment free from pollution and to be responsible for our actions.  It can be said that all those that participated went home with an added knowledge of always putting our trash into the correct bins instead of littering.

Overall, the clean-up team collected a shocking 10 kilos of garbage from the area! The most common waste items found at the site were cigarette butts, plastic bags and bottles.  After an hour of cleaning, the teams were transported back to the Recycling Center to enjoy a healthy hearty breakfast!

Sincere thanks to our partner Facility Management for hosting the event and providing all the materials needed for safe waste collection, to the Students for Sustainability group, Office of Sustainability and Community Life for supporting the event, and well done waste pickers! 

We will be planning more waste management events in the future, so keep an eye out on The Lens and Facebook.


  1. Brilliant! Thank you to all involved and to Facility Management, Students for Sustainability group, Office of Sustainability and Community Life.

    On a different note, do we know why/how rubbish are accumulated at this site in the first place?

  2. Litter that accumulates here is wind blown from surrounding areas. One of the objectives of this exercise was to make our community aware of the harmful effects of litter and to ensure that we always dispose of our trash into bins responsibly.

    WM team