Join the COVID-19 Community Townhall


COVID-19 Community Townhall Meeting

Thursday, February 27
5:15 P.M.
Discovery Square or Participate Online

We understand that some people will not feel comfortable with congregating in large groups while they are concerned about COVID-19. Please consider participating via our online Zoom link.

The Coronavirus Taskforce invites all community members to join a Townhall Meeting to discuss topics related to preventing COVID-19 at KAUST. The goal of this event is to provide you with information, updates, and support as well as to answer any questions you may have.

The event will include representation from the Coronavirus Taskforce, including leadership and clinicians.

Attend in-person or online
This event will be available both in-person and online. To participate in-person, join us in Discovery Square. To participate virtually, join from a PC, Mac, iPad, iPhone or Android device: Click Here to Join 

Submit your Questions
You will have a chance to ask questions at the event. You are also welcome to submit your questions ahead of time by emailing before noon on February 27.

COVID-19 Response
For a full overview of the KAUST response to COVID-19, visit

The event will include representation from the Coronavirus Taskforce, including leadership and clinicians.

Looking forward to seeing you there.

Daniel Buttigieg
Director, KAUST Health Chair,
KAUST Coronavirus Task Force


  1. I have some concerns as below, in the worst case, if KAUST has any case, the following question would be crucial to protect us.
    1. Remdesivir, Chloroquine Phosphate and kaletra are reported to be promising to treat the mild patient, does KMC has storage of these medicine?
    2. Does KAUST has enough PPM or mask storage?
    3. According to cases in Diamond Princess Cruise or Singore, the central AC system may pump virus throughout the building, how about the AC system in KAUST? What action will be taken for a certain building if one case is diagnosed?