KAUST Guest Network: Upgrade & Enhancements Clarification


Based on community feedback, KAUST IT would like to make some clarifications to our previous Announcement.

IT has recently rolled out upgrades to the KAUST Wi-Fi service, which enables internet access to anyone at KAUST. This project involved expanding Wi-Fi coverage, upgrading speed and reliability, and simplifying the guest user logon experience.

The final phase of this project, which will be completing after the Eid Holiday, is to enhance the security of the Guest Wi-Fi network and improve privacy for all connected users.  An IT Alert shall be sent out prior to the changes taking effect. In order to ensure clarity, IT would like to explain the changes to the Guest Wi-Fi Network below:


Who will this affect?

Devices connected to the Guest Network only. The Guest Network is designed to accommodate individuals who do not have a KAUST account and may need to use the internet and other online community services that we provide. This includes non-working dependents, domestic staff, visitors, and anyone else who is physically present at KAUST.

iCampus, KAUST-IoT, and eduroam access will remain the same.

What can the Guest Wi-Fi access after this change?

Our research shows that the vast majority of people using the Guest Wi-Fi network do so to connect to public internet sites only. All sites on the public internet will remain accessible after this change.

The majority of internal websites that the community needs to access are also accessible from the Guest Wi-Fi. Examples include The Lens, Community Life website, Get Active Website, Policy Portal, and taxi & bus booking systems, among many others.

What will the Guest Wi-Fi not be able to access after the change?

Some internal KAUST websites and resources that IT deems need to be isolated from unregistered users. These resources can still be reached via the iCampus or Eduroam wireless networks. 

What if a website which should be accessible is unavailable after the change?

Internet Sites and community facing sites will still be accessible through Guest Wi-Fi.  However, if you encounter a website has been blocked from Guest Network that you feel should be accessible, please fill this online form so we can investigate. A sample of the landing page is below:

When will this change happen?

The change will happen after the Eid Holidays; IT will issue an IT Alert with the exact date prior to the change.

For additional information, please reach out to infosec.operation@kaust.edu.sa.

KAUST Information Technology

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