Passion in the 5th Grade Leads to Industrial Collaboration

Rawan and Razan Masoudi, grade 5 students at The KAUST School, talk about their passion. (Read the previous post about the 5th Grade Exhibition)

Fifth grader Rawan has booked a meeting with the the Vice President of Facilities and Community, when she will present her ideas around printing unique characters on water bottles as a way to encourage recycling. Dow has agreed to manufacture water bottles for KAUST soon. Click below to see a photo gallery of the exhibit.

“The exhibition was a great success. It was a great opportunity to bond with our friends and to challenge ourselves to think big. We learned many things from our teachers, colleagues, and mentors. By the end of the day, although we got so exhausted, we were so pleased with the crowd that came to support our passion.

We worked on two causes, wasting food and wasting water. As for wasting water, we developed two characters, Qattour and Qatra who will be educating children about wasting water in some advertisements that we created. We dream to have the characters printed on KAUST water bottles. We know the impact of these characters on children who are probably going to like the water bottles and reuse them. We see how often the students throw away half full water bottles in the school’s cafeteria. If these two characters are printed on the water bottles, there will be no more waste of water in the schools. Learn more about our passion here.

The exhibition is just the beginning, we will continue to spread the word and help the world save food and water.” – Rawan


  1. What a wonderful project! Reducing water waste AND reducing plastic waste are a great initiative for the kingdom, region and world.
    I’m hoping the printed bottles will not be plastic but rather something like stainless steel to encourage our community to refill for free at the tap and reduce using plastic (reduce then reuse then recycle).