OCRF announces SRI awards

The Office of Competitive Research Funds (OCRF) is delighted to formally announce the winners of the Strategic Research Initiative (SRI) competitive funding program, which was launched internationally in December 2010. Two winners were chosen from a 45-strong pool of applications from all over the world in a lengthy process involving rigorous peer review. The program provides each initiative with funding of up to $1.5M annually to explore new areas of research at KAUST in which multiple investigators work collaboratively to focus on a significant research theme over a three-year award term.

1. Numerical Porous Media
Director & Co-Director: Yalchin Efendiev (Texas A & M University) and Victor Calo (Assistant Professor, Earth Sciences and Engineering). Porous media are ubiquitous not only in the form of soil and sediments, but also in many technical applications such as filters, membranes, and composite materials. The mission of the SRI Center is twofold: to establish numerical porous media as a new research excellence area in KAUST and to work toward bridging the gap between the research and education activities of KAUST and the needs of the industry from the region.

2. Center for Uncertainty Quantification in Computational Science and Engineering
Director & Co-Director: Raúl Tempone (Associate Professor, Applied Mathematics and Computational Science) and Omar Knio (Duke University). The Interdisciplinary Research Center will develop novel enabling technology for Uncertainty Quantification (UQ) in Computational Science (CS) and Engineering. UQ Activities are concerned with the systematic quantification and reduction of uncertainties that originate from tolerance-based design and fabrication, noisy experimental measurements, error-prone simulations, limited model predictability, etc. The mission of the new Center is to become an internationally recognized Center of Excellence involved in research activities and graduate education in UQ, while focusing on high-impact applications such as (i) green wireless communications, (ii) complex multi-scale electromagnetic systems, and (iii) reactive computational fluid dynamics.