Sci-Café: How do we explore the Red Sea?


Sci-Café: How do we explore the Red Sea?

Wednesday, October 21
5:30 – 7:00 p.m.
University Library

Did you know that whale sharks migrate?
Did you know it only takes two generations for fish to adapt to warmer waters?

The KAUST community is invited to attend the upcoming Sci-Café on Red Sea Research, where you will find the answers to the above and more.

The Café is a lively and interactive discussion forum between KAUST scientists and community members, helping to highlight different research areas here at KAUST. This month’s Café will focus on the Red Sea. Come join Burton Jones, Christian Voolstra, and Michael Berumen as we explore this month’s hot topic.

Read more about KAUST research.

The Sci-Café is open to all members of the KAUST community. Ask questions, discuss science, and have fun!

This program is brought to you by the Enrichment Office and the Office of the President.