Transport mobility study

To realize KAUST’s commitment to sustainable operations and development, Facilities & Community, in association with the KAUST Sustainability Committee, is seeking to improve the current transport system.

The first stage is to carry out a mobility study for which your assistance is required. The electronic questionnaire has approximately 20-25 questions depending on your residential status, and should take no more than ten minutes to complete. The survey asks for details of your journeys over a seven day period. This survey is open to the whole KAUST community, students, faculty, staff, service providers, partners, domestic helpers etc.

Once completed, the survey will automatically be transmitted to the team for analysis. All the information provided will be treated with total confidentiality.

Please note, this survey will close on Wednesday, May 20 at 5:00 p.m.

Thank you in advance for your assistance in creating a more sustainable transportation network here at KAUST.


  1. This seems like a well-intended effort. But the amount of detail you are requesting seems excessive. When I saw 21 dropdowns on one page, plus a “other” box in which I would need to explain 7 different things, I gave up.

    • This is because accurate data is required to analyze and to distinguish between weekdays trips and weekend trips. At the end it will not take more than ten minutes to complete 🙂

    • David, if you use letters and tab on the pull down section it can be completed in seconds. Whole survey took me less than 5 minutes.

  2. Just completed the survey – am looking forward to seeing the results as the questions should provide for some interesting transport options!

    • Dear John,

      Thank you for taking the time to respond to this LENS post. The mobility team will be looking and evaluating the feasibility of a variety of alternative transportation options that will include self-drive vehicles. Thank you for your suggestion, very gratefully received.
