Call for SRSI Mentors

Faculty and Research Scientists: Do you like to guide, teach, and inspire students with science and math? Would you like to share your scientific knowledge with the brightest youth from all over the Kingdom? Find out how you can get involved in this exciting program.

The Saudi Research Science Institute (SRSI) is a summer research internship program for academically talented high school students. It is also a wonderful opportunity for your graduate students and post-docs to gain valuable teaching and mentoring experience.

Time Frame: The 2015 SRSI program will take place from June 5 – July 14, 2015

Commitment: The mentors designate selected mentor team members to guide the students in all aspects of the scientific process including providing background reading materials, training in use of scientific equipment, carrying out the experiment, and collecting data and analyzing/interpreting results.

Mentors should offer suitable projects for a duration of five-weeks within the Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) fields, giving the students a chance to experience the innovative research being conducted at KAUST.

For more information, please contact