WEP 2015 Registration opens today


Registration for the Winter Enrichment Program (WEP) 2015 is open to the KAUST community from Monday, December 1. To register for events, visit wep.acadox.com. If you’re new to WEP, you will need to create a profile before you are able to register for events.

Running from Sunday, January 11 to Thursday, January 22, the 2015 WEP program is more ambitious than ever, with over one hundred events on offer, celebrating three main themes: The International Year of Light, robotics and big data. This year’s offerings are the direct result of suggestions and event submissions from faculty, students and community members, making WEP 2015 a program that is truly created by and for the entire KAUST community.

WEP 2015 features many highlights, beginning with an opening ceremony featuring a keynote address and the opening of an exhibit of modern Saudi art and continuing with a range of keynote lectures on topics ranging from archaeology to biologically inspired design to free diving. Beyond keynote lectures and special events, the rich culture of Saudi Arabia is represented through lectures on poetry, coinage and mining.

WEP 2015 also presents a range of art and recreational events, including a Tinga Tinga painting workshop, a 5K run, improvisation workshops and performances, a racketlon tournament and tours to Old Jeddah and the National Wildlife Center in Taif. We are also celebrating the international year of light with a film festival featuring films from the dawn of cinema to today.

Finally, WEP 2015 will wrap up with a closing evening gala extravaganza featuring a performance by the internationally renowned musical multimedia group Bella Gaia. With all these events and many more, WEP 2015 is the most exciting and lively time of the year at KAUST.

Prepare to be enriched at WEP 2015!