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The Communications Department needs your input to help improve communications about KAUST news, events, and activities.

Please take a few minutes and complete a brief survey before June 5 to let us know your needs and preferences for staying informed.

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  1. Like Professor Ketcheson I believe that the design of the houses do not make it easy to become energy efficient. The air conditioner thermostats are totally ineffective – they do not register the desired temperature and lower output – only way to do this is to turn the entire unit off! Electrical lighting fixtures are also very problematic with bulbs burning out within days of new ones being fitted – apart from the fact that maintenance only replace with ordinary bulbs and not energy efficient bulbs. Having said that perhaps this short life of the ordinary bulbs is why we dont replace with energy bulbs – way too expensive!!

    Call me cynical but is this exercise a pre-cursor to residents being asked to pay utility bills?