2014 SABIC Postdoctoral Fellowship Awards


The SABIC Postdoctoral Fellowship Awards were established by SABIC in April 2010, in support of the development of talented scientists and to promote technology development in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

As part of a broad sponsorship agreement between SABIC and KAUST, the Fellowships are to be granted annually for five years to exceptional postdoctoral researchers involved in areas of long term research relevant to SABIC and Saudi Arabia. The winning fellows receive funding support from SABIC for one year of their research at KAUST, (with the option to continue if the research is recognized as excellent).

The program is evaluated annually by joint experts from SABIC and KAUST and based on the outcome and performance of the fellows, research funds may be renewed or awarded to other candidates.

Professor Jean Frechet, Vice President for Research, will soon call for KAUST faculty to make nominations for the 2014 selection process. Full details will be sent to faculty shortly.

On behalf of both University Development and the Office of Research Services, we would like to thank SABIC for their extremely generous gift.