HSE update: KAUST retail food handlers earn International Food Safety Certification


In collaboration with Community Life, the Health, Safety and Environment Department recently celebrated the KAUST food retail staff who participated in an awards ceremony. The event was held to recognize thirty-three food handlers who have achieved Level 2 Food Safety Certification through HSE’s Training Centre, accredited by the awarding body Highfield International. We recognize that this training supports the valuable work that Community Life does as partners of these food retail service providers to ensure safe and quality food offerings are provided to our KAUST Community.  

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, foodborne illness is a preventable public health challenge that causes an estimated one out of six people to get sick each year from foodborne pathogens (bacteria, viruses, parasites). This certification reinforces the commitment to food safety and hygiene practices that the retail staff at KAUST continue to exhibit while supporting the goal of Keeping KAUST Safe. The course highlights food safety practices and principles across the food supply chain relating to storage, preparation, cooking, service, and food handling to ensure quality and prevent the likelihood of foodborne illness.

Congratulations to all KAUST food retailers who have achieved Level 2 Food Safety Certification!

For more food safety and training information and resources, please visit hse.kaust.edu.sa or contact us at hse@kaust.edu.sa