Important update: new requirements for gas-powered scooters and drivers in KAUST


Dear KAUST Community,

As part of our ongoing commitment to ensure safety and compliance within our community, we have recently reviewed the regulations concerning gas-powered scooters in collaboration with Government Affairs. Following the Kingdom’s requirements, all scooters must now have a valid Saudi motorcycle registration and plate number. Additionally, all drivers of these scooters must possess a Saudi Motorcycle Driving License.

To align with these regulations, the following changes are being implemented:

  • KAUST community members currently driving gas-powered scooters using a KAUST driving permit must transition to a Saudi Motorcycle Driving License no later than December 31, 2024.
  • Any gas-powered scooters with an existing KAUST license plate issued by Security must transition to a valid Saudi Motorcycle Registration and Plate number no later than December 31, 2024.
  • Effective immediately, any new gas-powered scooters in KAUST or new scooter drivers must go through the Saudi process to receive a license plate and/or driving license.
  • Please note that these requirements do not apply to golf cart license plates or driving permits, which remain unaffected by this change.

Government Affairs has provided detailed information to assist applicants with obtaining a Motorcycle Driving License and the necessary Motorcycle Registration and Plate. We strongly encourage those affected to begin this transition process immediately to ensure compliance by the stipulated deadline.

The HSE and Security websites and the Road Safety Code are currently being updated to reflect the above requirements.

Thank you for your attention to this matter and your continued commitment to maintaining a safe and compliant environment at KAUST.


HSE Department