HSE Road Safety update: New pedestrian walkway in the Academic Campus


In partnership and collaboration with Campus and Community, the Health, Safety and Environment Department is pleased to announce that a new pedestrian walkway between Al Khozama Hotel and the Academic Campus is now available to use. We noticed more pedestrians walking this route and wanted to ensure they had a safe walkway and did not walk on the road. Over the last couple of weeks, the Campus and Community team worked diligently to make this happen.

Recognizing that pedestrians are the most vulnerable group of road users, the new pedestrian walkway has been designated for pedestrian use only. This measure is aimed at safeguarding pedestrians from vehicular traffic, underlining our commitment to their safety.  

Please read our previous post, where we shared safety tips with pedestrians and drivers to promote safe walking. Any member of our community who sees a violation (or a possible violation) of the KAUST Road Safety Code is encouraged to report the incident to Security.

For questions or comments, please contact hse@kaust.edu.sa.

Thank you for Keeping KAUST Safe.