HSE fire safety update: Steps to follow when a building evacuation alarm is activated


All buildings at KAUST have been constructed according to international fire safety and emergency evacuation codes. Each building is equipped with a fire/evacuation alarm system, clearly marked emergency exits and designated assembly points to facilitate organized emergency evacuations. Our collective aim is to prevent disorganized evacuations, which can lead to confusion, injury and property damage. Therefore, when a building evacuation is announced, evacuation is mandatory.

When a building evacuation alarm is activated, take the following steps:

  • Stop work and evacuate the building promptly using the nearest escape exit.
  • Provided it is safe to do so, make any areas or processes safe that have been agreed as part of the building or area evacuation plan.
  • Continue to evacuate even if the alarm stops sounding. Use the nearest escape exit or stairs — under no circumstances should you use the elevators.
  • Keep doors in the stairway closed and close all doors behind you unless persons directly behind you are evacuating.
  • Proceed in an orderly manner until you reach the designated Assembly Area. Do not run.
  • Assist anyone who appears to be having difficulty evacuating, but do not place yourself at risk.
  • If you are assisting a person who is mobility impaired and has difficulty descending the stairs, help them to the nearest safe refuge point, e.g., a protected staircase landing, and immediately on exiting the building inform a member of the emergency services of their location.
  • If you cannot assist someone who requires assistance, report their location to the nearest Fire Warden, Security Officer, or Fire Officer or call KAUST Emergency Services on 012 808 911, and inform them of the situation.
  • Remain in the Assembly Area and do not re-enter the building until the “All Clear” is announced by the Fire Department or Security Personnel.
  • If you have any relevant information regarding the incident or information that you feel is important to the emergency responders, pass the information to the nearest Security Officer, Fire Officer or KAUST Emergency Services and pass the information to them.
  • If the incident is likely to be protracted, information will be provided by the Fire Department or the Security Department to the building occupants, which may include informing the occupants to return to the Assembly Area later or leave the area altogether, depending on the nature and severity of the incident.

Fire safety training

HSE can assist Department Managers with their Fire Safety training needs and advise building occupants on the number of Fire Wardens required and the evacuation process.  

For more information, please read the Building and Evacuation Management Procedure, visit hse.kaust.edu.sa or contact us at hse@kaust.edu.sa

Thank you for Keeping KAUST Safe!