CBRC Online Seminar


Sunday, January 31, 2021
2:00 – 3:00 p.m. 
On Zoom

Exploring the Genome of the Biosphere

By Distinguished Prof. Carlos Duarte

About the speaker

Prof. Carlos Duarte is a prominent leader in many branches of biological oceanography and marine ecology. From his early research days in Spain, Duarte has established himself as one of the leading global authorities on the ecology of seagrass meadows and coastal ecosystems. 

Throughout his multifaceted research career, Duarte has participated in research expeditions all over the world from the tropics to both poles studying ecological systems, biogeochemical cycles, coastal systems, macrophytes, microbes, seagrasses and open ocean gyres. Duarte, who is the current Tarek Ahmed Juffali Research Chair in Red Sea Ecology has also served as the Director of the KAUST Red Sea Research Center (RSRC). 

Presently his research within the RSRC focuses on the pressing global marine science problems of our time. He also lends his expertise to many of the Kingdom’s upcoming mega projects that revolve around the Red Sea and Vision 2030, including The Red Sea Project and NEOM. ​Professor Carlos Duarte’s research focuses on understanding the impacts of global change in marine ecosystems and addressing all components – spanning from microbes to megafauna.

His research involves two nodes of separate but complementary interests: one on the metabolic and elemental budgets of marine ecosystems and their connectivity in space, and the other on the stability and dynamics of marine habitats and the maintenance of biodiversity including demographics, space occupation and gene flow. His research is poised at the interface between Earth and Sustainability Science increasingly involving interdisciplinary components.