Get reel!


The grass in your backyard needs a hair cut?
Use a reel lawn mower and give your grass a fresh cut!

Effective Sunday, May 3, Horticulture Services will be offering KAUST residents—for a one-month period—Eco-friendly reel lawn mowers free for hire. With every hire, you will get a rake to remove the grass and litter from your lawn. If you are interested in hiring a mower, please email gardening@KAUST.EDU.SA to book yours. 

Upon confirmation of the booking, community members may come collect the reel lawn mower and a rake from the Green House from Saturday to Thursday between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. and return it the next day.

Rentals are on a first come, first served basis, as equipment is limited. A schedule will be established to ensure everyone can give their grass a fresh cut!

Alternatively, hired backyard services will be available from May 3 and can be requested through the call center by calling 012 808 0959 or by emailing You can also contact Gardening Services directly at 012 808 5480 or email at