Rate your experiences with new smiley face feedback terminals


Community Life is installing Smiley Terminals at retail outlets and recreation facilities in the community. Please take a moment to rate your experiences when you see the machines, so we can listen, learn, and adapt based on your feedback.

What are Smiley Terminals?

The machine asks a simple question and has 4 smiley face responses which range from “super-happy green” to “super-unhappy red” to capture your customer satisfaction levels. The data is captured and analyzed to make data-driven experience improvements.

How does it work?

When you see a Smiley Terminal, simply press the button which most accurately reflects your answer to the question on the board. Some of the machines will ask further questions depending on your answer to help get a full understanding of your feedback.

What happens next?

Once you submit your feedback, the results are automatically sent to the Community Life team who will analyze the data and use it to make targeted service improvements. We’ll share the data with key stakeholders – including you!

We want to improve, and you can help. If you see a Smiley Terminal, please take a moment to rate your experience.


Kind regards,

Omar Al Omar
Director, Community Engagement
Community Life