Every October, Open Access week celebrations are held all over the world to highlight and promote the global free flow of scholarly information, research and knowledge free of any financial, legal or technical constraints. This summer KAUST became the first university in the region to adopt an Open Access policy to disseminate our research as broadly as possible.
To commemorate OA week and promote our newly adopted policy, the Library is hosting a panel discussion to explore various aspects of open access, including benefits and potential concerns.
Sunday, October 26, 11:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.
Auditorium, Level 0 lecture hall between Al-Jazri and Al-Kindi (buildings 4 and 5).
OA Panelists:
- Mohamed-Slim Alouini, Associate Dean & Professor of Electrical Engineering
- David Ketcheson, Associate Professor of Applied Mathematics
- Thibaut Lery, Director of Office of Research Evaluation & Awards
- Molly Tamarkin, Library Director (Moderator)
Refreshments will be served